
2024-04-29 13:22:51
Last edited by 魏明昊 on 2024-05-07 16:20:10
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Summary : For the first time, you need to log in with the super administrator account admin and password 123456 for other user settings.

1、ZenGile Administrator

There are three types of administrators in ZenGile:

  • Super Administrator: the user with ID 001 in ZenGile system, has all the permissions and all operations are not controlled by permissions.
  • System Administrator: The administrator of ZenGile system, has all the privileges in the privilege list.
After successful installation of ZenGile, you need to log in to the setup Super Administrator to add maintenance organization departments and users.


2.1、Maintenance Department

Before adding users, you need to maintain departments. You can add and maintain departments directly by clicking "Users" - "Departments".

2.2、Add User

After setting up the department structure, you can now add and maintain users.